Thursday, June 26, 2008

College Education Required?

Do we really need to have each high school student focused on getting a college degree when at least half of the open available positions do not require one? As a young child, I was raised that to "get ahead" you needed a college education. Of course I followed the path that was intended and received a bachelors degree and then a graduate degree paid by my employer. Now college degrees are very expensive. Unless your child receives a scholarship, you will be paying several tens of thousands of dollars to pay tuition, books, housing and other related costs. One of my family relatives has decided to drop out of college and work for a living. He does not want anyone paying college costs when he has no idea what he wants to do "when he grows up". At twenty he is trying to get some work experience to see what life is about. His previous work experience was as a summer lifeguard. This young man is now working in sales and making good money. His parents are hoping that he gets tired of working six days a week and returns to college. I think it is a good idea for this young man to work and experience the responsibility of paying for all his costs. Only then will he determine if acheiving a college degree will be his goal. Melle

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